Parenting Time When Your Ex Has A Restraining Order

mens divorce lawyerQuestion:

I have a restraining order against me that says I am to have no contact with my ex-wife, so how does this affect my parenting time with my children?

There is a parenting plan in place with specific times for me to see my children, but our visitation exchange is supposed to take place at my ex-wife’s workplace.

How can I exercise parenting time and pick up my kids from my ex-wife if I am court-ordered to have no contact with her?


I am unable to give you legal advice on divorce. I can give general divorce help for men, though, my knowledge is based on Illinois divorce and child support laws where I am licensed to practice.

If the restraining order was entered after the parenting plan, the restraining order may provide for how visitation exchanges will take place. For example, there may be an exception in place to allow the parties to have contact with each other only for visitation exchanges.

If the restraining order itself does not address the visitation exchanges, then you may need to go back to the family court to have an order entered to clarify this issue.

If the parties cannot be near each other to exchange the children due to the restraining order, then they may need to conduct the exchanges at a location where a third party can assist with the exchanges, such as a police station or a visitation exchange center.

It is important that you clarify this issue so that you are able to continue exercising your parenting time with your children without risking being in violation of the restraining order.

You should contact a qualified mens divorce attorney to review the specific language of both the restraining order and your parenting plan to determine whether these orders address this issue, or whether an additional court order is needed.

Remember, I am unable to provide you with anything more than divorce tips for men, so please consult with a divorce lawyer in your jurisdiction.

To schedule an appointment with a Cordell & Cordell mens divorce attorney, including Belleville Divorce Lawyer Erin Brockhoff, please contact Cordell & Cordell.

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