Joseph Cordell talks divorce mistakes with Chicago Tribune

Attorney Joe CordellDoing a sloppy job on your financial records is one of the worst mistakes men can make when going through a divorce, according to Joseph Cordell’s interview with the Chicago Tribune.

Cordell, principal partner of Cordell & Cordell and founder of, talked with the Tribune about his more than 20 years helping men with divorce that inspired his new book, “The 10 Stupidest Mistakes Men Make When Facing Divorce.”

A lackadaisical approach to financial records can drastically impact the outcome of the divorce settlement, including the statement of income, expenses and property, Cordell told the Tribune.

“All of these documents become part of the court record and ultimately determine the amount of maintenance and child support that is paid, and who lives in the house,” Cordell said. “A lot of guys are way too casual about this step and just don’t give it the attention that they should. You might have to pay a little more on the front end in attorney fees, but at the end of the day, not being attentive to these financial records can be one of the costliest mistakes a client can make.”

Read the full article for a look at the 9 other devastating mistakes men make in divorce cases.

To purchase “The 10 Stupidest Mistakes Men Make When Facing Divorce,” visit the store.

Cordell & Cordell is a national domestic litigation firm focusing on helping men with divorce issues.

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